Welcome to Moksha Ayurvedic Health
The Sanskrit word Moksha can be translated as liberation and if I had to choose a single word to describe the profound positive impact that Ayurveda can have, then it would be this.
I think it truly sums up how we are meant to feel and, how, with the right guidance we can feel if we choose.
My aim is to provide you with the guidance and support that will enable you to feel truly liberated and free so that you can thrive not just survive, and live the life you were destined to lead.
To achieve this I take a holistic approach, meaning I'll look at various aspects of your life not focus solely on one area. In Ayurveda we look at how everything is connected for example how your emotions impact your digestion, and this provides us with a much deeper understanding of what is going on in an individual.
We then look at how to restore balance which is what allows me to tailor my recommendations specifically to you, and how I know that they'll be of most benefit.
About Me - Lisa McLean

Ayurvedic Health Counsellor
I love being in nature. I always have. So when I discovered Ayurveda which is rooted in the laws of nature I was captivated, as its' wisdom deeply resonated with me.
I'd suffered with digestive issues since my early twenties that were having a negative impact on my life and had found no answers, guidance, or relief of my symptoms from allopathic medicine. However, after making a few changes to my diet in line with Ayurvedic principles I began to feel some respite from the discomfort I had lived with for so long.
I realised that I didn't have to feel uncomfortable, I had a choice, and I chose to feel well. This inspired me to learn more, and so I enrolled on a course to become a certified Ayurvedic Health Counsellor.
I was honoured to be able to train with a group of people who embody the spirit of Ayurveda and Yoga, and ensured that my studies were based not only on theory but were also experiential. This has given me the strong foundations required to enable me to guide others on their own healing quest. I have been there myself, and I know that by embracing change you really can feel how you deserve to feel.
You were intended to be at ease in your body, at peace in your mind, and with joy in your heart.
Why Choose Ayurveda?
It helps with
For those experiencing symptoms such as bloating, excess gas, excess acid, constipation, diarrhoea, lack of hunger or excessive hunger and anything else related to digestion then Ayurveda can help.
If you find your energy dips throughout the day, you don't have the get up and go you used to, you feel sluggish and exhausted then I can help you feel more vibrant and energised and able to achieve your goals.
An Ayurvedic approach to health gently detoxes the body and mind, so is ideal if the liver is overwhelmed, there is candida present, you have sludgy bile or gallbladder issues.
Women's Health
Women suffering with the symptoms of PMS every month, painful menstruation, peri - menopause symptoms, irregular periods or infertility these are all caused by hormonal imbalances which are not 'NATURAL' however 'NORMAL' they may have become. I will help you to embrace and enjoy being a woman again.
Weight Loss
By following an Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle, you will find that you will naturally and easily lose any excess weight you may have gained over the years as your body learns to adjust to being properly nourished.
One of the biggest causes of physical and mental illness in modern society, but it doesn't have to be that way.
I'll provide you with tools and techniques proven to effectively combat stress and help you to become more resilient.
The Four Pillars of Health
Are how we achieve your goals
Optimal health requires the body and mind to be nourished appropriately. I will offer guidance on how you can achieve this in a tasty, nutritious, creative but simple way. No foods are off limits, it isn't a restrictive diet and therefore it is sustainable. .
The way that we live our lives can have a profound effect on us. Modern day living can cause a whole host of stressors that eventually take their toll on our health and wellbeing. I will make suggestions on how you can adapt your life to better support you.
Good quality sleep of the appropriate amount for our constitution is crucial. During sleep we process and transform everything we have taken in during the day. I'll help you to improve your sleep, so you can drift off easily and will awake feeling refreshed.
Energy Management
We are energetic beings. It is our life force. And so how we manage it is vital. Too often it can become depleted due to blockages, or from taking on others energy. I will provide you with tools that will leave you with a sense of enhanced vitality and inner peace.
Your Health Starts Here
Contact Info
(+44) 07624 257214
Dundalk Cottage, The Cronk, Ballaugh, Isle of Man,
IM7 5BA.